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From Barcelona: Liverpool accept to sell Philippe Coutinho, FSG help ‘very positive’ news

Sport, the more volatile of the two Catalan Sport daily papers, on Sunday assert Liverpool have surrendered expectation and now acknowledge Philippe Coutinho will be joining Barcelona. 

It's expressed that amid a "summit" hung on Friday, Coutinho's delegates addressed FSG and that prompted the meeting having an 'extremely positive' result for Barcelona. 

Following quite a while of weight from the Brazilian, Sport say Liverpool have at long last given in and now 'surrender him for lost', tolerating a deal to Barcelona. 
It's asserted that first Liverpool will sign a swap for Coutinho, not needing costs to rocket significantly facilitate after they've gotten a major expense from Barcelona, at that point enable the Brazilian to go to Spain. The man likeliest right now is believed to be Renato Sanches. 

Game say Coutinho will cost Barcelona up to €160m, which would see the charge paid for Ousamane Dembele crushed rapidly. The Catalan daily paper additionally assert the deal is mostly being acknowledged on the grounds that Jurgen Klopp has neglected to bring Coutinho once more into the gathering completely. 

For a significant part of the Coutinho adventure, Sport have been pretentious and even rude of Liverpool, and their cases ought to be taken in that specific situation. 

that Liverpool would be compelled to genuinely consider, and likely acknowledge, any offer touching €100m, and that was demonstrated off-base. 

The Catalan daily paper included: 'Little by little crafted by delegates of the Catalan club has been undermining the pioneers of Liverpool. 

It ought not be overlooked that the British club is controlled by a store, Fenway Sports Group, drove by John Henry, which is fundamentally determined by cash and benefits. As of now in January he was going to pitch the club to a Chinese combination for €900m.'
