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Liverpool set £145million Philippe Coutinho asking price to scare off Barcelona

The Liverpool playmaker has turned in an exchange ask for and is endeavoring to drive a change to the Nou Camp. 

Be that as it may, Jurgen Klopp has requested the Liverpool board to dismiss all offers and the Reds have moved to deflect Barcelona. 

The Daily Express claim Liverpool have slapped a £145m sticker price on Coutinho's head. 

The asking cost would surely make Barcelona back off with the Catalan monsters not keen on spending such a charge on Coutinho. 

Liverpool trust their hardline position on the exchange charge will drive away Barcelona from making another offer. 

Barcelona will present a third offer in the coming days in the wake of being urged by Coutinho's moves to drive the circumstance. 

Coutinho was believed to be against disturbing for the exchange and the club was shaken by his official demand to join Barcelona. 

Klopp has demanded that in spite of the fact that the issue is out of his hands, Coutinho's exchange request has no effect to the club's position. 

'As administrator in a football club I have supervisors, and if managers choose, for instance, just as a rule, we offer a player or we don't offer him – then I need to acknowledge it,' said Klopp. 

'In the event that they don't offer him, at that point I'm not included any longer. 

'I'm in charge of the various players, not only one, two, three. 25, whatever. 

'I can't say anything in regards to it.

