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Pep Guardiola's tactics have 'ruined' Italian defenders - Giorgio Chiellini

Juventus focus back Giorgio Chiellini says an age of Italian safeguards have been "destroyed" by Pep Guardiola's strategies. 

Guardiola played for two seasons in Italy yet has never overseen in the nation. All things considered, Chiellini says his work at Barcelona, Bayern Munich and now Manchester City has been reflected in youthful protectors. 

Talking this week as Italy get ready to confront Sweden in a World Cup playoff, Chiellini said Guardiola's impact has driven safeguards to esteem conveyance over stamping. 

Instituting another term for "the Guardiola way," Chiellini stated: "Guardiolismo has destroyed numerous Italian safeguards a bit - now protectors know how to set the tone of play and they can spread the ball, however they don't know how to stamp. Sadly, that is how it is. 

"When I was youthful, we used to do drills to figure out the man you were making. These days, from crosses, Italian safeguards - and I can just truly talk for Italian protectors, I am just moderately intrigued about outside players - don't check their man. 

"It's an extraordinary pity since we're losing our DNA a bit and some of those qualities which had influenced us to exceed expectations on the planet."

